
Showing posts from February, 2020

Glad You FOUND This Post

Reviewer: Vraj Patel No Spoilers. Hi! Welcome back to my blog! Today I will be talking about the book Found  by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Published in 2008, it is the first book in a series of 8 called "The Missing." I first found this book (no pun intended) as part of assigned reading in middle school, and I enjoyed it so much I had to reread it and the rest of the series. Here is my review on Found : Summary: Jonah is a thirteen-year-old adopted boy living with his non-adopted younger sister, Katherine, and his parents. He has a friend, Chip, who was also adopted by his family. One day, Jonah receives a letter saying he was one of "the missing." At first, he does not think too much about it, but then, once figuring out Chip got a similar letter as well, he begins to ponder the meaning of it. One of the things Jonah questions is whether it was a letter from his real parents. A few days later Jonah and Chip both receive another letter saying peo

The Icebound Land by John Flanagan

Hello, my name is Charlie Hechler, and today I will be reviewing the Icebound Land  written by John Flanagan. Before I go on I must say that there will be spoilers ahead, so if you plan to read this then do not read this review. The story starts off picking up from the previous book, which ended with a huge war. Will, the main character is captured along with one of his close friends Evanlyn by Skandians. Halt, the ranger Will is an apprentice under, is back in Araluen their home country and he is determined to rescue them both. However, the government of Araluen does not want Halt to go. He then betrays the kingdom to save them and he is kicked from the Ranger Corps and the borders of Araluen for a whole year. While leaving Horace, a previous bully of Will's joins Halt to save the couple. They encounter many different obstacles, mainly groups of warriors that are in the way of the path to Skandia. While Will and Evanlyn are in Skandia they are taken as slaves and have given up a

The Pros and Cons of Movies Based on Books by Cameron McGill (Post 4 of Blog Week)

Hello All. Today's post will be a bit different than the previous posts of blog week and instead of focusing on a book I will be focusing on book movies. I have nothing else to say in this introduction, so let's just start. The first adjective that comes to mind when I think of book movies is disappointing. In my opinion, most book movies are worse than the books. This is usually because of one of two things. Either the people who made the film had to fit a ten hour book into a two hour film which caused lots of pacing issues and issues with the plot, or the people making the film don't have a understanding of what made the books so great. A lot of book movies try really hard to look flashy to draw in an audience so they make money but the film itself doesn't have any substance and it's just a lot of pretty CGI. These films are often fun for the first twenty minutes or so with all of their flashy action, but become a drag shortly after those good first few minutes.

A review of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay by Cameron McGill (Post 3 of Blog Week)

Hello All. Recently I finished the third installment in the Hunger Games Series and I am disappointed. It takes everything that made the second book an insult to the first and says, "Hey, what if we repeat ourselves again but only this time we make it REALLY obvious?" And guess what, that is exactly what it does. There will be a few minor spoilers in this book but nothing major. Anyways, here is my review of the book, I guess. The book takes place shortly after the second and this time instead of being in an arena, she is fighting the capitol themselves. You know how I said in my other reviews how the first halves of the other two books were kinda boring but in the first one it was worth it in the end and in the second one it was kind of worth it in the end? Well in this book, that first boring half is now a first boring two thirds and it isn't worth it at all. The first part of this book is the characters restating what we already know and during that time there is litt

A review of Sara Pennypacker's Pax by Cameron McGIll (Post 2 of Blog Week)

Hello reader, today I, Cameron McGill will be reviewing Sara Pennypacker's novel Pax  written in 2016. The novel follows two narratives, that of Pax the fox and that of Pax's owner, Peter. As usual, before I launch into my full review, I would like to mention that there will be a few spoilers so if you don't want the book spoiled, stop reading or man up like the mighty Charlie Hechler. =) The novel takes place who knows when and is located in what seems to be a future America where the east and west are about to go to war due to disagreements about how to deal with the shortages in water. Peter is moving to his grandfather's home since his father is about to go to war and he is unable to bring his fox Pax with him so he is forced to set him free. However, Peter decides to go looking for Pax and ends up meeting several odd characters and facing a number of challenges during his search for his beloved fox. I give the book a 8/10. I would be willing to give it a higher

A Review of the Lockwood and Co. series by Cameron McGill (Post 1 of Blog Week)

Hello All. When I was in the sixth grade I read a book series called Lockwood and Co. that I thought was pretty great and today I thought I would share my opinions with you all. Before I get started I would like to point out that there will be a few spoilers in this post but all of them are going to be pretty minor so they shouldn't ruin the books for you. I would also like to mention that I will be posting a blog a day for a week so if you are interested in reading those, keep an eye out for them. Anyway, here is my review of the Lockwood and Co. series. The book series is primarily about a girl named Lucy Carlyle who works for a company called Lockwood and Co. The goal of the business is to hunt down and kill the many ghosts throughout the city of London. She does this with her boss Anthony Lockwood and another employee named George Cubbins. Her company is rivals with many other companies throughout the city of London and they are all competing to become the number one ghost era