A Review of the Lockwood and Co. series by Cameron McGill (Post 1 of Blog Week)

Hello All. When I was in the sixth grade I read a book series called Lockwood and Co. that I thought was pretty great and today I thought I would share my opinions with you all. Before I get started I would like to point out that there will be a few spoilers in this post but all of them are going to be pretty minor so they shouldn't ruin the books for you. I would also like to mention that I will be posting a blog a day for a week so if you are interested in reading those, keep an eye out for them. Anyway, here is my review of the Lockwood and Co. series.
The book series is primarily about a girl named Lucy Carlyle who works for a company called Lockwood and Co. The goal of the business is to hunt down and kill the many ghosts throughout the city of London. She does this with her boss Anthony Lockwood and another employee named George Cubbins. Her company is rivals with many other companies throughout the city of London and they are all competing to become the number one ghost eradicators in London. Along the way, they fight numerous ghosts and rivals as well as the tension growing among themselves.
My favorite part about these books is without a doubt the action scenes. They are fun, all over the place, and crazy. And although these books are not particularly scary, the action scenes in these books are surprisingly good at building tension. There were times when I read these books where I was holding my breath to the point I had to gasp when the scene ended (I accidentally got my classmate in trouble for sleeping when I exhaled loudly and directed the teacher's attention to him.) The characters in these books are pretty good too and they change throughout the story and their new character traits don't just pop out of nowhere either. They earn their new traits and as a reader you can tell the author tried pretty hard to get them as close to actual people as he could. The only problem with the book that isn't even all that bad is its unoriginal premise, which isn't much of a problem since the way the author presents this premise really entertaining.
I would give these books a 9.5/10. They are exciting and fun and those are the most important traits for a book to have in my opinion. I would like to point out that despite these books being about ghosts, they are not all that scary. I don't know if that makes you want to read the books more or less, but I figured I should probably point it out. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you consider reading the series.


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