Ranking Every Form of Writing I Can Think Of (Post 4 of Blog Week 2) (Quickie)

Hello All. I was thinking of things to write about for Blog Week 2 and since I was trying to stay away from just reviewing a book I thought to myself, "Hey, what's something dumb you can write about since you just hit your head on a stop sign and your brain isn't quite functioning properly?" Ranking different kinds of writing was the best I could come up with so here it is. Keep in mind that this is my opinion and that I personally just hate poetry. If you're not gonna give it to me straight, I don't wanna hear it. (I also know that I am probably missing tons of different kinds of writing but again they were just some I could think of.)

6. Poems
Not much to say here other than I am not a poetry person. I personally find it to be a waste of time.(Sorry Mr. Mitchell) I think the main reasons I don't like poetry are because trying to follow the rules of poetry seems unnecessarily complicated to me and I am not good with metaphors which is something poetry has a lot of.
5. Essays
This one probably doesn't come as much of a shock. However, unlike some people I don't mind essays too much I just think that essays are worse than the other items on the list because of the rules that come with writing an essay. I don't like writing rules if you couldn't tell. I also don't like them because I'm not very good at them either and when I do poorly I get yelled at so...
4. Regular Books
The fact that the most obvious form of writing is only number four on the list may surprise you but its not because I don't like reading. Its just that I like the other ones a little more (except for number one which I like a lot more.) You guys already know how great books are so there's not really anything else to say here so I won't say anything.
3. Movie Scripts
If you are mad that this is higher on the list than books, well I don't REALLY care but I will explain myself. Most everyone likes movies and in all honesty, I like movies more than books and most movies wouldn't be nearly as good without a script.
2. Comic Books
I love these. They are fun, quick and like I said in my previous post, a great blend of movie and book. The greatest thing about these is the artwork. You get to experience a ton of work that was put into making every individual panel over and over and over again throughout the comic and being able to see all of this work take the form of an illustrator is so satisfying. And like I said in my previous blog, these are really easy to read and require very little effort to enjoy. If you don't read comics or just don't think you would like them like I did for a while, I highly recommend giving them a try.
1. Song Lyrics
This is probably a surprise to most of you but if you have ever had a conversation with me that has lasted longer than five minutes, (Which most of you haven't) you will probably know that I love music and that it is one of if not my favorite thing. (I really only like The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Elton John, Frank Sinatra, and a couple other old bands but that doesn't matter.) My point is that without this form of writing, one of my favorite things wouldn't even exist. Also I listen to music pretty much whenever no one is talking to me so I'd probably lose my sanity without it.
Thanks for reading my blog again and I hope you have been enjoying Blog Week 2. I might extend this list in the comment section if I can think of any other forms of writing or if anyone suggests them to me but we'll have to see. I am curious to see how you guys would rank each of these different kinds of literature so if you make a comment consider including your ranking as a part of your comment. Anyways, bye.


  1. Nice post! My favorite type of writing is probably just creative writing. I like it better than all the other forms of writing because you don't get graded when you write random, stupid stuff, and there's no rules, so sometimes I like just taking a few minutes to write. I was kind of surprised that you put song lyrics last on your list and poems last because I think of song lyrics as poems that you sing, but I can understand why you wouldn't like writing poems when you have to write it with a rhyme scheme and a certain number of syllables in each line.

  2. Great job on this post! I think that I have similar views on the rankings in this list, but I might put song lyrics further down with poetry because I'm not much into music and I wouldn't trust myself with making something sound good to music, but I agree with everything else on the list. I agree that essays usually aren't fun to write, but sometimes I find myself getting somewhat interested in what I am writing, depending on the topic. My favorite type of writing would have to be nonfiction stories/creative writing because of the freedom and amount of wacky stuff that you can put in.


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