Ranking All the Genres I Can Think Of (Last Post of Blog Week 2) (Quickie)

Hello all. As Blog Week 2 comes to a close I once again find myself searching the internet for non book review topics to write about and I found a site that suggested I write about the genres. So I decided I would rank them and hope for the best. This is my personal opinion so no need to get angry as you guys have done before.
6. Romance
Like most people, I am not a big fan of romance. I have yet to read a romance novel that I have enjoyed. Hell, I don't even like it when romance is mentioned in a book of any genre. Guess I'm just not a romance guy.
5. Non-Fiction
Although I don't dislike non-fiction, I'm not too fond of it because it is the opposite of fiction. (I know that's the point but still) I like it when literature goes outside the laws of reality because then the stories tend to be more unique and interesting as well as entertaining.
4. Horror
I like this genre for a few reasons but the biggest being that I like to watch people suffer at the hands (Or claws) of something that isn't understood. Typically in horror, the villain will be frightening to the characters because they don't know how to stop it and with no way of stopping it they are unable to win unless they find the killer's weakness. And although this is kinda corny I still like it even though I understand why a lot of people don't (It's too spooky.)
3. Mystery
I like the mystery genre because I like solving puzzles. When my brain doesn't understand something it drives me nutters and when I finally that understand something I get a rush and I really like it. Kinda like drugs huh? (I know that was a bad joke but I'm trying my best so just humor me for now okay?)
2. Fiction
This genre is basically the same as the fantasy genre but it is usually a bit more tame in its fantastical element so I ranked it a little lower. Other than that its my favorite genre.
1. Fantasy
This genre is my favorite for a reason. It's the opposite of some of the genres ranked lower on the list in that they are typically held down by reality but this genre knows no bounds and if you ask me, that's how literature should be. I think that when someone writes a piece of literature they should let their imagination do whatever it is that it wants to do and they shouldn't be held down by whether or not it's realistic. The only reason I ranked it higher than fiction is because fiction tends to be a lot more tame in its fantastical factor than fantasy genre.
So there it is. My ranking of all the genres I could think of. There are prolly loads more, but I think that should be good for now. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed Blog Week 2.


  1. Okay, I honestly disagree with almost every single one of your rankings. Sorry, but also I think you did a good job of explaining your reasoning. I do agree with you on the non-fiction though, I think it can be good if the story is told in a particularly good way but that's not the case for most non-fiction books. I honestly don't really like fantasy because I find fantasy books too hard to get into because they usually offer a lot of info up front and I get real confused. (though maybe I'm just not reading the right fantasy books)

  2. Even though I may not agree with all your rankings, I think you did an amazing job at concisely explaining your reasoning. Reading this post was a nice change from having to read long posts about book reviews. Elle sort of already made some of the points I was about to make about the fantasy genre. It sometimes throws way too much information at you at once and it can make it confusing. I found that most fantasy books i've read have way too much going on and they tend t have like 3 different plots going on at once. But some are good, it's just not my genre. I will ask this though, any opinions on sci-fi? Great job!

  3. Sci-fi, all though I may not like it as much as fantasy, is still really good in my opinion. I have never been able to differentiate the genre from fiction all that well but now that I think about I would place them were fiction is currently pushing fiction down one. I do agree that there are some books in the fantasy genre that hurl way too much information at you towards the beginning of the book but that isn't the case for all books in the genre and even when it is the case once you get past those first few chapters you could always reread them. However, rereading in the middle of your first read of a book may mess with the pacing so I would recommend slowing down a bit at the beginning of a book you think may hurl a lot of information at you. This way, the pacing doesn't seem as bad since you won't need to reread.

  4. I definitely agree with you about romance novels. IMO, they are often quite cringy, but I do know of a trilogy of movies that has one of the best and least cringy love stories of all time. For those of you wondering what it is, I present to you the Star Wars Prequel trilogy. The dialogue is unparalleled and it just feels so much like real loife love (speaking as if I would know what that's like). Jokes aside, for what I'm assuming is a very quickly written post, it was pretty good, and I have an intuition that a couple bolognas may fall upon you in the near-future.


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