Guys, Read Some More Comics. You're missing Out (Post 5 of Blog Week 2)

So in my recent posts I have talked about how great comic books but went into very little depth and I figured since I was trying to avoid reviewing a book that I would write about it some more. This is gonna be a quick one so let's not make the introduction as long as the rest.
When I first considered reading a comic in the fourth grade, I was worried that the illustrations wouldn't show enough detail to make up for the lack of words but oh boy was I wrong. The illustrations in some comics are able to do double what a normal book could with words. A big reason for this is that you can see the same amount of information in the corner of a comic panel as you could reading an entire page from a regular book. My favorite example of this is the background of an action scene in the Spider Man Comics. Call me nerdy, dorky, or whatever it is that you want (I probably won't hear you due to my poor hearing so it doesn't really matter) but I really like these comics for several reasons. And one of those reasons is the detail. In the background of just about any panel in an action scene you can see people who just by being illustrated and not written about you can tell so much about them without dedicating paragraphs to telling you about them. Like the saying goes, One picture is worth a thousand words.
Another major reason I like comics so much is one I have mentioned several times in previous blogs and that is the ease factor. Comics are fun, entertaining, and typically shorter and more fast paced then your average book meaning that you won't have to remain focused as long as you would reading a normal book but you are still getting the same if not more story and fun from a comic book.
Anyways, that's about all I have to say about comic books. If you're considering reading some comics after reading this blog but don't know where to start, I highly recommend the comic books below. You can probably find most of them online and they are a lot of fun.
1. The Amazing Spider-Man.
This is a no-brainer for me. If you like any Super Hero Movies or even just anything with any action, I think you'll like these. There's no denying it, Spider-Man is great for everyone. Plus there is like a gazillion Spider-Man comic books and there is still plenty yet to come out so it'll take you a while to get through them.
2. Big Nate.
This is admittedly the first comic book series I read and most of you are probably familiar with the name but may I have thought these books looked stupid. And while they don't have a complex story (Since sixth Grade repeats for them every book) they are fun and goofy and can provide you with some fun and quick entertainment.
3. Amulet
This was the first comic book series that caused me to stop reading all other books. While they aren't as good as Spider-Man in my opinion, they serve a different purpose. They are more focused on the fantasy element and don't really have any Super hero elements that you'll find in a lot of other comics. They are more about exploration and adventuring through a magical land then most other comics but it does this really well and it makes for a fun read.
Anyways, thanks for reading my weird blog posts, and I hope you have been enjoying Blog Week 2.


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