The Spiderwick Chronicles and Why They are Surprisingly Fun by Cameron McGill

I figured since recently I had accidentally taken on the theme of reviewing books that I had read in my fifth and sixth grade classes that I would continue that theme and I would review the Spiderwick Chronicles. I don't like wasting time at the beginning of my posts let's get on with it.
The Spiderwick Chronicles are about a family consisting of 3 children who have just moved near a woods filled with magic and monsters. That's it, and that's all it needs to be to be a fun read. The series does a lot with its premise which is good because its premise is a pretty common one and if it was just another typical adventure story it wouldn't be nearly as fun as it is. It's also worth mentioning that although its premise isn't unique the story itself is. It brings quite a few new ideas to the table in the form of different magics and monsters and I think that little bit of variety is enough to make reading these books entertaining.
You may have noticed that I have said these books are fun several times throughout my review and I haven't out right said they are great or awesome or anything like that. This was on purpose. Although these books aren't horrible outside their fun factor, they don't do anything special after the first few books which quickly starts to become more and more noticeable. And the fun highs of the books start to become too familiar too quickly as well which started to mess with the series more and more with every book that I read.
Overall I would give these books a 6.5/10. They weren't too bad outside of the fact that in the later parts of the series the books don't bring enough new ideas to the table to keep making them interesting but that is a big part of a book series and I think this series took a big hit from it. The only reason I think that the books in the later part of this series are better than those of the Harry Potter Series which was also too repetitive is because these books still try to remain fun and the Harry Potter books lose all sense of fun after the first two or three books. However, I still think the first few books of the series were still worth reading so maybe go read the first three and when you detect a hint of repetition quit and read something else. The last thing I would like to say is that if you like fast book series this might be a favorable read for you. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog and I hope you find a nice pet chicken or whatever it is that you want in life. I don't know.


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