
Showing posts from March, 2020

Divergent: Book vs. Movie

Reviewer: Vraj Patel SPOILER WARNING I always wanted to read Divergent (2011) by Veronica Roth, but I never got around to actually reading it. So, I decided to check it out a couple weeks ago. I read the book, but when I thought about what I could do for the blog (just a book review is pretty boring, ya know), an idea suddenly came to me. What if I watched the movie version and then compared the two? So, this past spring break, I watched the movie Divergent (2014). Here are my thoughts: Summary first, though (once again, there are spoilers): Beatrice Prior lives in a futuristic Chicago, where the people are split into 5 factions: Amity, the peaceful, Erudite, the smart ones, Candor, the truth-tellers, Dauntless, the brave, and Abnegation, the selfless. However, not all of these factions live in harmony. For example, there is growing tension between the Erudite and Abnegation factions. When children turn 16, they take an aptitude test that tells them what faction they belong in

The Spiderwick Chronicles and Why They are Surprisingly Fun by Cameron McGill

I figured since recently I had accidentally taken on the theme of reviewing books that I had read in my fifth and sixth grade classes that I would continue that theme and I would review the Spiderwick Chronicles. I don't like wasting time at the beginning of my posts let's get on with it. The Spiderwick Chronicles are about a family consisting of 3 children who have just moved near a woods filled with magic and monsters. That's it, and that's all it needs to be to be a fun read. The series does a lot with its premise which is good because its premise is a pretty common one and if it was just another typical adventure story it wouldn't be nearly as fun as it is. It's also worth mentioning that although its premise isn't unique the story itself is. It brings quite a few new ideas to the table in the form of different magics and monsters and I think that little bit of variety is enough to make reading these books entertaining. You may have noticed that I hav

Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter and why the series is great for new readers and writers

Warrior Cats- The Series- By Erin Hunter Why This Series is Great for New Readers and Writers Review by Emily Shunk With 39 books in the series, 27 stand alone extra books, 6 'field guides' to the series, and over a dozen manga, Warriors Cats might be one of the largest series I've come across. (88 books total- they even have a website! ). The reading level is fairly young, I for instance read all the available books (yes- they're still producing books) in third grade- then continued reading the series as it was produced into 5th grade. The plot, as it spans over 39 books, is certainly quite long and complicated to go over in a single review- so I'll give you a brief overview of the general idea. Warrior Cats is a series which tells of the 4 clans and how they interact, as they fight over territory. The clans are Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Windclan, and Riverclan, and the ancestors reside in Starclan. In each clan, there's a lea