One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus; a Review by Emily Shunk

One of Us Is Lying

Written by Karen M. McManus
Review by Emily Shunk

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5 students are framed for possession of phones in class, and all 5 are landed in detention by the last period's bell. Simon, the creator of the High School's famous gossip app, never leaves detention alive.

Bronwyn, Addy, Nate, and Cooper are all the prime suspects in Simon's murder. Soon it is revealed that Simon was about to release the hottest new gossip on all four of them, news that could ruin their lives. Now, with each of them in possession of a motive, they're inspected by the police. As their lives all suddenly derail, all of them need to work together to figure out who killed Simon before one of them ends up in jail. All of them are suspects of murder. How much worse can life possibly get?

If you were to ask me 'What is your favorite book?' - I would reply with this one. I've read it twice. There is a very short list of books that I believe are good enough to read more than once. The first time I read this, I finished it the day I picked it up. I think I was up till about 6 in the morning- no joke.

The plot is just great. I really don't know how else to describe it- it's very twisty and twisted. (yes- I just said twisty with two different meanings in the same sentence). It deals with some real social issues, such as relationship related abuse and lgbtq+ acceptance, and I think it deals with them very well. The social scene in this book is very well thought out, and it seems legit and not one of those fake side plots that are there to increase the story length. This book shows how 4 unlikely people become close, and I honestly love that part of the story as much as the actual mystery. Without spoiling too much, I think this book really shows a comprehensive understanding of the characters and does a good job incorporating everything about 4 high school students being accused of a terrifyingly well-thought-out murder into the book.

In addition to that, the actual writing itself is just superb. The story uses the prospective of 4 different people, which in itself is really hard to do. It still manages to keep a unique voice for each character- which just shows how well the author did with this book. I love the way the mystery is implemented- the twist at the end is so shocking- but also it makes sense. It's one of those books that are perfectly explained by the 'I don't need sleep; I need answers' meme of Sheldon. (you know- that one?). Hence my staying up till 6 to finish the book. Anyways, I don't want to spoil to much so I'll leave it with that.

If you like mystery, but don't love all the murder and gore and blood that has to do with it- I recommend this book. If you also love mystery, but are keen towards the blood and gore and nasty details... I still recommend this book. If you don't even like mystery... I still recommend this book! Seriously- just go read this book. My rating is 106/10.  

(Just go read it- I swear you won't regret it). 


  1. This book seems really interesting! I myself am a big fan of stories told from multiple points of view, and your description of the book's narrative style really intrigues me. The murder mystery genre of this book also seems interesting. I will definitely be checking out this book soon!

  2. Wow this is a great review, I like how descriptive it is without giving away too much. This honestly sounds like a great book and I will definitely be reading this. I like how you mention the book isn’t just a mystery and four people trying to solve a crime but it’s also a story of how 4 unlikely people become close. Which shows that you were thinking of the deeper meaning of the book while you were reading it.
    Good job.

  3. Great review! This book sounds gripping and entertaining. Your ability to write an informative AND engaging review is fantastic. The plot itself sounds amazing, and mystery books are really easy to immerse yourself in. I really like the Breakfast Club and it seems like it is similar in a way because of the whole detention scenario. The Breakfast Club + murder mystery = what sounds like an amazing book (in my opinion)!


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