In The After Review

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Hello! This is Vraj and I will be writing about a book I read called In The After by Demetria Lunetta. Published in 2013, this book is sci-fi/mystery and it makes you want to keep reading. Here is my review on it:

But first, here is a non-spoiler containing summary:

The main character, Amy, is at home, without her parents, when she realizes that aliens have invaded Earth. These green aliens, which Amy calls "They," can notice any movement and sound, and will eat any humans they encounter. They are super quick, so it is impossible to outrun them. Amy is stuck in her house. She has to be careful not to make any of sounds, or else They will come for her and eat her. Amy presumes her parents to be dead, as they were both at work when They came, and her parents did not come home to her. Amy goes out one night to get food when she stumbles upon a baby. She takes the baby home with her, calling her Baby. They form a strong bond, calling each other sisters. Amy and Baby both learn to use sign language to communicate so then They won't find them.

After three difficult years, Amy and Baby get found by some other living humans and they go to a place called New Hope. New Hope is beautiful. It is clean, They are nowhere to be found. Amy makes many friends there. Life is good again. Amy believes this place to be a safe haven from the outside, dangerous world, but New Hope is full of many deep and dark secrets that personally affect Amy.

So, on to the review:

I enjoyed reading this book. The detail Lunetta put in makes you feel like you are in the story. The bond formed between Amy and Baby is amazing and was another reason why I continued to read the book. The suspense is mainly what kept me reading. I had to know what happens next in Amy and Baby's lives. I had to know whether They would attack Amy and Baby, or whether New Hope does have as much hope for them as the name suggests. This need for knowledge led me to read the next book in the series: In the End, which, as the title states, continues and ends Amy and Baby's stories.

If you like sci-fi/mystery/suspenseful books, I recommend reading In the After by Demetria Lunnetta, and the next book in the series In the End. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


  1. This sounds like a very good book with an interesting plot based on your summary. You did a really good job giving enough information to make me want to read the book, but not so much that I didn't have a reason to need it. Your review makes me want to check this book out and I definitely will.

  2. This book sounds suspenseful but interesting. As Nick said, nice job summarizing without spoiling! You seem to have really enjoyed the book but was there anything you didn't like about it?
    I'll probably read it eventually, it sounds good.

  3. Based on you review and summary, this books sounds like a super-suspenseful read that I might want to pick up. You did a great job summarizing without spoiling, as mentioned above. I enjoy reading the work of detailed writers who 'make you feel like you are in the story,' so may I should check this out.

  4. Nice review, I really want to read this book now! Your summary makes the book sound really interesting and also similar to the movie “The Quiet Place” which I enjoyed. Thanks for inadvertently adding In the After to my reading list, and I look forward to following Amy and Baby as they discover the dark secrets of New Hope.

  5. When I heard that In the After was a suspense/sci-fi book, I was worried, since many of those books I have read just keep the suspense at an excruciatingly high level, and they end up fatiguing the reader. However, after reading your review, it made me much more confident, and this seems like a well-balanced and entertaining read. I will definitely be checking this out.


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