Here There are Monsters by Amelinda Bérubé; a Review by Emily Shunk

Here there are Monsters

Written by Amelinda Bérubé 
Review by Emily Shunk

Image result for here there are monsters

Here there are Monsters tells the story of Skye, who desires to start a new life once her family decides to move into a new home bordering the woods. Her efforts to become a new person and drop the title of Queen of Swords, are halted by her sister, Deirdre, who never seemed to figure out how to grow out of her fantasy games. One night when Skye was supposed to be looking out for her younger sister, Deirdre disappears into the woods, leaving behind only a pair of rubber boots, a pile of leaves, and Skye's sword.

After there seems to be no hope for Deirdre after several days of nothing from the investigation, Skye takes it upon herself to bring back her sister. Strange things happen in the woods, and it's up to The Queen of Swords to save her sister, even if it means sacrificing her entire new life to save her.

This story is written beautifully, with a mysterious voice that matches the tone of the story to a T. Foreshadowing is laid down so carefully, with the perfect amount of suspense to keep the reader on their toes. The detail in Amelinda Bérubé's work is truly amazing. 

However, I was very dissatisfied with the ending of Here there are Monsters. It leaves the reader's without a proper conclusion, and without spoiling doesn't seem to accomplish anything a conclusion should. 

Although the ending is problematic in my opinion, I still recommend Here there are Monsters. It's a great read with a wonderful mix of creepy and mysterious piled all in one with the familiarity of isolation and the struggles of fitting in and starting anew. I feel as though Amelinda Bérubé perfectly captures Skye's struggles in this story. 

Here there are Monsters is definitely a great book that you should definitely check out! 


  1. This sounds like an interesting book. I will consider checking it out because I usually enjoy horror and mystery books. I like how you didn't include spoilers and left almost everything a mystery, like what the Queen of Swords is and what happens in the woods. It left me wanting to know how the book ends and whether or not Skye finds her sister.


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