
Showing posts from September, 2019

Review of In The Shadow of the Sun

Hello. This is Vraj with another book review. I recently read  In the Shadow of the Sun  by Anne Sibley O'Brien. It is in the realistic fiction genre. Although this is not the type of book I would usually pick out, for some reason I did and I loved reading it. Here is my review of  In the Shadow of the Sun. But of course, let's begin with a summary of the book (no spoilers): Mia Andrews is on vacation with her father and older brother, Simon, in the most isolated country in the world: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, also known as North Korea. Mia is an adopted Korean girl. Her adopted family is white and they all live in the USA. Her family is taking a tour of Pyongyang when Mia finds something shocking. Right at that moment, Mia's father gets arrested for supposedly spying on the government, which is a major criminal offense. Mia and Simon are now on the run from the North Korean authorities. They must hide before they are caught and arrested as w

Here There are Monsters by Amelinda Bérubé; a Review by Emily Shunk

Here there are Monsters Written by Amelinda Bérubé  Review by Emily Shunk Here there are Monsters tells the story of Skye, who desires to start a new life once her family decides to move into a new home bordering the woods. Her efforts to become a new person and drop the title of Queen of Swords, are halted by her sister, Deirdre, who never seemed to figure out how to grow out of her fantasy games. One night when Skye was supposed to be looking out for her younger sister, Deirdre disappears into the woods, leaving behind only a pair of rubber boots, a pile of leaves, and Skye's sword. After there seems to be no hope for Deirdre after several days of nothing from the investigation, Skye takes it upon herself to bring back her sister. Strange things happen in the woods, and it's up to The Queen of Swords to save her sister, even if it means sacrificing her entire new life to save her. This story is written beautifully, with a mysterious voice that matches the tone of

The Harry Potter Series

During my fifth grade year, I read the famous Harry Potter Series. And although I can understand why so many people like it, I can’t understand why they like it so much. The first few books are good but repetitive. And after I read the whole series, I realized the books blended together and I was having difficulty differentiating between the last few books due to their countless similarities. The only books whose plots I can say that I can confidently remember are the first three. But before I talk about the books and their ups and downs, I’d like to be clear that I don’t hate the series, I just think it is highly overrated. Unlike most of the other books in the series, I enjoyed the first Harry Potter due to its interesting plot, characters, settings, simplicity, and originality. The book quickly introduces the reader to a large amount of its characters and plots but doesn’t overwhelm the reader, unlike some of its successors. The villain is well executed any fits the story very

The Lord of The Rings

During the summer and into the school year I had been reading The Fellowship of the Ring.  I had watched the movie around the end of the last school year and was impressed with the cinematic take on the story. This was probably because it could convey the massive and detailed landscapes of the story. I had high expectations for the book and was eager to read it. When I finally got around to reading the book I was severely disappointed. The book was repetitive with the plot points and was very formulaic. Also, the writing style was monotonous and the sentences were drawn on for to long. Many times while reading I would find myself falling asleep. I then used the book almost strictly for falling asleep. However, the setting and aspects of the setting made up for some of the stylistic choices made by the author. The landscapes and races of elves, dwarves and other fantastical creatures was intriguing because of the social conflicts and wonder created by them. This also made the introd

In The After Review

Hello! This is Vraj and I will be writing about a book I read called In The After by Demetria Lunetta. Published in 2013, this book is sci-fi/mystery and it makes you want to keep reading. Here is my review on it: But first, here is a non-spoiler containing summary: The main character, Amy, is at home, without her parents, when she realizes that aliens have invaded Earth. These green aliens, which Amy calls "They," can notice any movement and sound, and will eat any humans they encounter. They are super quick, so it is impossible to outrun them. Amy is stuck in her house. She has to be careful not to make any of sounds, or else They will come for her and eat her. Amy presumes her parents to be dead, as they were both at work when They came, and her parents did not come home to her. Amy goes out one night to get food when she stumbles upon a baby. She takes the baby home with her, calling her Baby. They form a strong bond, calling each other sisters. Amy and B