The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco; A Review

The Girl From The Well

Written by Rin Chupeco
Review by Emily Shunk
Image result for the girl from the well

The Girl from the Well tells the story of a lonely spirit, Okiku, who seeks vengeance upon the killers of innocent children. After roaming the earth for a thousand years, she finally takes interest in a young teen named Tarquin. With a mentally unstable mother and skin covered in strange tattoos, he's constantly moving around without a place to call home. 

Tarquin's life is plagued with strange occurrences, from the mass suicides of crows; to the apparition of a strange woman in a black dress and a mask. Upon his mother's strange death, he travels to Japan to investigate her life, most of which was a mystery to him. He discovers things about his mother, and about his new guardian spirit Okiku, as well as what the tattoos circling his wrists and chest really mean and what danger they conceal. Without much choice, he must suddenly save everything his mother was trying to protect. 

The Girl from the Well is a beautifully written story told from the prospective of Okiku. The words and the phrasing is detailed, it's as if you truly got to see inside of her head. The amazing voice of The Girl from the Well is truly unique and one of a kind. The story is intricately woven and perfectly crafted, with the perfect combination of mystery, suspense, and detail. You're sure to be lost in Rin Chupeco's words. 

I highly recommend Rin Chupeco's The Girl from the Well to anyone who loves anything paranormal and mysterious. 


  1. Great review of what sounds like a great book. I really like your captivating introduction. Your word choices make it all the better and aid you well in description. I wish there had been a bit more explanation in some parts specifically the 2nd paragraph. I definitely got the sense of strange things happening to him, but like why did he have to research his mom and what is the relationship between Okiku and Tarquin. Really good though and I might check it out!

  2. I love horror books so this book sounds awesome to me. I like your word choice and the way you summarize the story. Your review left me wanting to know more about Okiku and Tarquin's relationship and what happened to Tarquin's mother. Tarquin seems like a very complex character and I can't wait to read this book.

  3. This seems like the exact kind of book I need. "The Girl in the Well" seems like a book full of suspense as well as little mysteries that all culminate to make a grand finale in the end. If it is, I want to read it. A good, captivating review that makes me interested in this book!


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