
Showing posts from May, 2020

Review and Analysis of How to Win Friends and Influence People

Hello, my name is Charlie Hechler and I will be reviewing and analyzing the book How to Win Friends and Influence People  by Dale Carnegie. This book is very popular and well known for its insights on how to work your way up through a company, how to function in a business setting in general, and even gives some tips on everyday life. The book is split up into four parts each with a different set of lessons. Each of those parts is split into chapters that cover a specific lesson. The book is very formulaic, each chapter starts off with the lesson at hand presenting the moral at hand only briefly. That is followed by a series of stories that support the claim that Carnegie makes. For example, one of the lessons on how to make people like you stated that you must focus on what that person wants and give it to them rather than give something you want. The lesson is very simple and seems incredibly obvious, but with the stories and anecdotes, Carnegie presents he always emphasizes how it

A Review of Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth

When I was in Sixth Grade, my bald loud Scottish father gave me a book called Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth he said his work mate had given to him. I gave it a go later that day when I found myself with nothing to do and I was delightfully surprised with the way it turned out. I liked it so much I read it 10 times by the end of the week. The book is about a quiet boy name Prez who is being sent to go and live on a small farm with the loud and rambunctious Blythes. While he is there, a disguised alien shows up at their door and claims that earth will be destroyed if he can't find ten wondrous things that make earth worth living on. He recruits Prez and they travel across the world in search of these wondrous things. On their adventure their adventure, they fold paper so that it strings across the universe, fly a tool shed, give a little girl a lightsaber for her birthday which she uses to nearly kill all of her friends as well as destroy her home, and much more.  The best