
Showing posts from December, 2019

A Review of Your Reviews by Cameron McGill

Hello All. So recently I have read some pretty weird reviews, some well written reviews, and a lot of reviews that I highly disagree with and I decided that instead of commenting on the blogs I would create a review of reviews. Please understand that I respect your opinions and if anything sounds offensive or somewhat mean in this review I'm just trying to prove a point, unless I genuinely dislike you. Also, I understand that these are your own opinions and that is completely fine, I just think there are some things you may want to reconsider and/ or revisit after reading this blog. So the first thing I want to address is how much you guys just love picking on books that aren't all that bad. A LOT of the time you guys are being overly nitpicky and you aren't thinking about the purpose of the book. This is what lead me to want to write a review of your reviews. Some of you are saying things such as "(In a whiny voice that I made up in my head) Oh this book has so littl

Eldest: Character Arcs

*SPOILER WARNING* Hello all, I am Charlie Hechler and I will be analyzing one of the two main character arcs in the story Eldest the sequel to Eragon written by Christopher Paolini. The character I will be discussing is Eragon's cousin Roran who still lives in their home town of Carvahall. Roran has the most noticeable change that is much more drastic and focused on in Eldest, even though he is not the main character. Previously Roran and his life in Carvahall are not narrated on in Eragon  where Eragon is the main focus as he journey's across the country of Alegaesia. As Eragon gets more and more well known he draws a lot of attention to himself, and after killing the shade Durza he is now considered a massive threat against the empire. Knowing this the king sends off a troop to kill or capture Eragon's only family, Roran, for leverage. Also, the King needs to keep control in the time of unrest as more and more towns feel the need to rebel against the empire. So, a

The Call by Peader O’Gullin; Review by Emily Shunk

The Call By Peader O’Gullin Review by Emily Shunk After being locked in a colorless hell by the Irish long ago, the Sìdhe want their revenge. They steal one of the Irish teenagers away, for 12 hours in their world. On earth, they have 3 minutes and four seconds.  After The Call has slaughtered thousands, survival colleges have been developed to try and train the youth to fight back. Nessa is determined to stay alive, she promised herself she would on her tenth birthday. Now in Year 5, Nessa is dreading her time to be called, praying she’ll be ready. When an entire survival college is murdered overnight, tension escalates amongst students. Each and every student is awaiting their time to fight back- hoping they’ll be prepared to survive those 3 minutes in hell.  At first, when I started reading it I was impressed. The voice is magical- I think that’s the best way to describe it. It very well fits the fantasy genre the book is in. However, it very quickly becomes confu

An EXO-llent Review

Reviewer: Vraj Patel No Spoilers! Exo  by Fonda Lee, published in 2017, is a story about a teenage boy named Donovan Reyes. He lives in a futuristic world where aliens have taken over the planet. The zhree (the name of the aliens) have a large empire throughout space, and Earth is one of their many colonies. The zhree are above humans. All major jobs on Earth are led by zhree, with humans working under them. Each human must obey every zhree's command, or there will be consequences. But Donovan is not an ordinary human: he is, for one, the son of the Prime Liaison. The Prime Liaison is the person who, as the name suggests, connects humans and zhree. Donovan is also an exo. An exo is a human that has zhree biotechnology built into them. Exos have an 'exoskeleton' on their bodies and are super strong. Exos can be used to help keep the humans in check (not rebelling against the zhree and all that good stuff). Exos get special status. One day, while Donovan and his exo fr